The First of Many

I write my first blog entry on a special occasion.  Today is Father's Day: a wonderful day in which we recognize special men in our lives; especially our fathers who have helped raise us and mold us into the people in which we have become.  I am fortunate to have many father figures in my life.  There have been many strong men who have helped me declare my values and morals, along with helping me to succeed and accomplish many goals.  From teachers, coaches, church friends, and beyond, I am more than grateful for the wonderful men in my life.

The most outstanding example in my life would have to be my own father.  My dad is a man who I have always looked up to.  When I was little he was my hero.  He was the one who could do anything, fix anything, make all the bad away; and he still is that man.  I still am so much of my daddy's little girl and I believe that my dad is the dad that tops them all.  I know that there are things in his life he feels uncomfortable with.  There are things he feels like he's failed at, but I disagree.  He's my father and he has always loved me.  He has always protected me.  He has always been there to listen to me complain, cry, and laugh.  I could not ask for a better father to love me and to support me.  Today and every day I am so thankful that God has allowed my path to align with his. 

I am also fortunate to be a wife; meaning I am married to a wonderful man.  He is not just any man, but a man who seeks after God's own heart. He is a man who loves, prays, serves, and dreams.  Oh, is he a dreamer!  I feel like we are always on a new adventure and he is always keeping me on my toes, but I secretly love it.  I have no idea if we will be living here or in some other state next year.  I have no idea if he will be a pastor, a farmer, or who knows what else in 3 years.  I do know however something that he will be.  He will be an amazing husband who works hard every day to give of himself for others.  He will be an amazing father who cannot wait to come through the door and love up his little girl, and of course his puppies.  He will be a man who God is pleased to call his faithful servant.  

I am so fortunate to have such remarkable men in my life!


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